Archive for October, 2010
Mutant Zombie Onslaught Press Kit Available
by photonicgames on Oct.28, 2010, under Uncategorized
A press kit for Mutant Zombie Onslaught is now available.
If you are interested please download it from Here
Mutant Zombie Onslaught Release Trailer
by photonicgames on Oct.28, 2010, under Uncategorized
Here is the release trailer for Mutant Zombie Onslaught.
Mutant Zombie Onslaught Released on XBOX Live !
by photonicgames on Oct.26, 2010, under Mutant Zombie Armageddon
Mutant Zombie Onslaught is now available on XBOX Live Indie Games.
I recently changed the name because it was too close to a game already on indie games.
Buy it now on the XBOX Marketplace for the outrageous price of 80MSP!
If you would like more information on the game pleaseĀ use the following: