Archive for October, 2012

Demon House Press Kit Available

by on Oct.30, 2012, under Uncategorized

A preliminary press kit for Demon House is now available.

If you are interested please download it from Here

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Demon House Cheats.

by on Oct.28, 2012, under Uncategorized

Just can’t figure out where that key or lever in demon house is? Please read this!


key1:[spoiler]The first key is in the room with the planters. When you first entered the room there was a door to the left. Behind this door is a hallway with a bookshelf. Open the bookshelf to find the key. [/spoiler]

key2:[spoiler] The second key is in the room with the piano. Go up the stairs to the left and go through the door. Go down the stairs and to the end of the hall. Open the door in the floor to find the key. [/spoiler]

key3:[spoiler] The final key is in the room with the locked door. In go through either of the two open doors and into a hallway. In the middle of the hallway is a bookshelf. Open the bookshelf to find the key. [/spoiler]

Levers in graveyard:[spoiler]The levers are inside each of the two crypts. They are on the far wall as you enter the crypt [/spoiler]

Extend the Bridge:[spoiler]Go the the left into the room at the end of the platform. Go down the stairs. At the end is a lever. Go back up the stairs to the other side of the platform. A secret passage has opened. Go into the passage and up the stairs. At the top there is another platform in the wall. Go to the end and press the lever.[/spoiler]

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Demon House Now Available on Xbox Live Indie Games!

by on Oct.28, 2012, under Uncategorized

Demon house is now available for purchase on Xbox Live Indie Games.  Please try it out. I would like to hear what you think. Please leave feedback here.

Demon House on XBOX Marketplace

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