Mutant Zombie Armageddon demo/beta

by on Sep.03, 2010, under Mutant Zombie Armageddon

This is a demo/beta of the windows version of Mutant Zombie Armageddon. This game was built using the XNA framework. It supports the XBOX360 Controller for windows or Mouse and Keyboard. Please give it a try and tell me what you think in the comments. The game requires .net 2.0 and the XNA 3.1 runtime. It will install these if they don’t already exist. Fair warning – It needs a pretty good machine to run.

Mutant Zombie Armageddon Title

Playtest ended. Thanks for your time.

2 Comments for this entry

  • Rob

    Great game, however there are a few things I think need fixing – It would be good if the PC versions screen resolution could be changed, as Im running eyefinity portrait mode each screen is only 1080 pixels wide so without being able to go into fullscreen mode I was missing a bit of the game off the edge of the screen. Also configurable controls would be nice – or at least changing the defaults to wasd since its a bit annoying changing weapons with number keys while trying to run away with arrows. Other than that great game, worked fine with bloom on lvl 5 on an ATI HD5850 with q6600.

  • photonicgames


    I will fix those (although changing the resolution still means you miss the sides – you just don’t know it 🙂

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